Participation in the Telework Program is subject to meeting certain eligibility and selection criteria to determine if the employee and their position are suitable for telework. Selection of employees shall not be arbitrary or based on seniority, but shall be based on specific, work-related criteria established by the county. Participation is voluntary and subject to the prior written approval of the commissioner of the employee’s department and the Telework Selection Committee.

Not every employee or job is appropriate for telework, and the key to successful telework is not in the job itself, but in the functions and tasks that the employees will be performing at the remote site, and in selecting the right candidates to participate in the program. The functions and tasks to be completed while teleworking need not comprise the employee’s entire job. Depending on the job, some functions must be performed in the office, while some lend themselves to telework. Employees may be able to reorganize their work to accumulate tasks that can be performed on telework days, as long as this does not adversely impact departmental operations.

Employees must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for the program.

  • Employees must have completed at least one year of continuous, regular employment with the county. Exceptions may be granted at the request of the department commissioner and approval of the Telework Selection Committee
  • The employee's most recent performance appraisal rating of record must be at least satisfactory, must have been conducted within the past year, and must have demonstrated work habits and performance well-suited to successful telework
  • The employee must have received supervisory approval for participation
  • The employee must be willing to sign and abide by a written telework agreement which requires participation in training and evaluations, and defines various criteria the employee must meet
  • The employee must be able to provide or use an alternate work location with adequate space and access to a telephone
  • The employee must be able to provide dependent care arrangements during the time the employee is working at home, to mitigate undue interruption which could impact productivity
  • A portion of the employee's work must be of such a nature as to be able to be performed effectively away from the official duty station, and be cost-effective for the County to authorize the employee to telework

Employees serving in a training capacity or providing hands-on service will not normally be approved to participate in the telework program on a regular, on-going basis.

Employees with chronic attendance or tardiness problems, who are unable to stay organized or focused, who have been poor performers, who have been brought up on disciplinary charges, or who have had an increment denied or been suspended within the past year, will not be eligible to participate in the program.