Here are some things to know before taking an exam.

Q. Do I have to be a Westchester County resident to take a civil service examination?
A. For most positions, there are no residency requirements to participate in the examination, but preference in appointment may be given to eligible candidates who have been residents of the appointing jurisdiction for 30 days prior to the examination date and at least 30 days prior to the effective date of appointment.

There are some positions that do require residency. The examination announcement will indicate such a requirement under the "Residence" section.

Q. Who uses Westchester County Civil Service Lists?
A. Lists of eligible job candidates established by the Westchester County Department of Human Resources are used to fill vacancies in competitive class titles used by the Westchester County and the Westchester Medical Center, as well as local jurisdictions throughout Westchester County. The local jurisdictions that use lists established by the Westchester County Department of Human Resources are the cities of Peekskill and Rye, and all towns and villages and their associated school and special districts.

Westchester County civil service lists are not used to fill vacancies for the cities of Mt. Vernon, New Rochelle, White Plains and Yonkers, and their respective school districts. Each of these cities has its own Civil Service Commission or Commissioner of Human Resources.

Q. What is an appointing authority?
A. An appointing authority refers to the unit of government that is the hiring authority, i.e. the County of Westchester, the Westchester Medical Center, and the cities of Peekskill and Rye, all of the towns, villages and their associated school districts and special districts within the County.

Q. What is a "local" jurisdiction ?
A. The term "local" jurisdiction refers to any one of the following appointing authorities that are the civil service responsibility of the Westchester County Department of Human Resources:

  • Cities of Peekskill and Rye
  • All towns and villages within the borders of Westchester County as well as their associated school districts and special districts

Q. What is the Westchester Medical Center?
A. The Westchester Medical Center is a public benefit corporation that is separate and distinct from the County of Westchester; it is not a County department. Employees at the Medical Center are public employees subject to the rules and regulations of New York State Civil Service. The Westchester County Department of Human Resources administers civil service for the Medical Center.

Q. How can I tell when a particular test will be given by the County?
A. Not all examinations are held on an annual basis. Examinations are prepared and scheduled by the New York State Civil Service Commission. The Westchester County Department of Human Resources requests examinations to be scheduled based on the number of positions, the length of the current eligible list, the age of the list, and the turnover of employees within the title. Eligible lists are valid for a minimum period of one year from the date of establishment and up to four years at the discretion of the Commissioner of Human Resources. There are over two thousand county and local jurisdiction titles for which examinations can be scheduled. In order to find out if a specific examination is being offered, you must check on the schedule of announced examinations.

Q. How can I obtain information about particular civil service examinations?
A. Each examination announcement is for a specific job title and contains information specific to the exam for that title such as; which appointing authorities may use the title, the application fee, the duties of the position, the minimum qualifications needed to be approved in order to participate in the exam, the subjects of the examination, as well as other important information pertaining to the exam.

Examination Announcements for Westchester County civil service examinations are posted online. Printed copies are available at the Department of Human Resources, Suite 100, Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Ave., White Plains, New York 10601, or may be downloaded from the website. They may also be available in county and municipal buildings, and local libraries.

Westchester County maintains an e-mail list for those who wish to be notified as new examinations are announced. Participants receive e-mail alerts listing titles with links to upcoming Westchester County examinations weekly if examinations are announced.

You can subscribe to receive future Exam Notification Alerts.

Q. How do I apply?
A. Applications can be submitted through our convenient and secure on-line application process.

To apply online, go to the the online Civil Service Examination application
The Westchester County Application for Examination /Employment is available at the Department of Human Resources, Suite 100, Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Ave., White Plains, New York 10601.

Q: Can I still apply for a civil service examination after the application deadline has passed?

A: Once the application deadline has passed, we are unable to accept any new applications. Civil service examinations have a set filing period.  If you missed the last filing date for a specific examination, please subscribe to receive future Exam Notification Alerts here.

Q. Is there an application fee?
A. There is a $ 40 processing fee for each examination ($100 for uniform services examinations). The nonrefundable application processing fee must be paid on-line using a credit card. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and Pre-paid cards  are accepted. Call (914) 995-2388 if you have any questions. 

Candidates meeting the following criteria with proof may have the fee waived:

  • Receiving supplemental social security payments
  • Receiving unemployment payments as head of household
  • Eligible for Medicaid
  • Receiving Public Assistance (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Family Assistance or Safety Net Assistance)
  • Certified Job Training Partnership Act/Workforce Investment Act eligible through a State or local social service agency
  • Full time Active Duty Member in the armed forces of the United States of America
  • Veterans (as defined in Section 50(5)(b) of the New York State Civil Service Law)  


To apply online, go to the online Civil Service Examination application

Q. Can I take more than one examination on test date?
A. The New York State Civil Service Commission prepares the examinations in such a manner that you can participate in more than one examination on the same day. All examinations for which you have been approved must be taken on the same day in the same testing center. Be sure to indicate on your application that you are filing for more than one examination.

Q. Is the experience required in the minimum qualifications always full-time?
A. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the number of years of experience in the minimum qualifications is based upon the presumption of full-time employment. Full-time employment is defined as 35+ hours per week. Appropriate part-time experience may be prorated. No credit is given for experience totaling less than 5 hours per week.

Q. Must I file an official college transcript with my exam application?
A. If your experience is insufficient to meet the minimum qualifications and there is an educational substitution statement in the minimum qualifications, or if the minimum qualifications require post high school education, you must file an official college transcript with this office by the due date indicated on the exam announcement. If you have previously submitted your college transcripts, please check the appropriate box in the "Transcripts" section on the exam application. Candidates whose education is outside of the United States educational system are required to submit an acceptable evaluation of their educational credentials. This evaluation must be from one of the agencies approved by the New York State Civil Service Commission. View the listing of approved agencies.

Q. Where are the tests held?
A. The Westchester County Department of Human Resources uses several sites to hold examinations. The site for your particular examination will be printed on your admission notice. To find out how to get to a specific site, see directions to exam sites.

Q. Are test materials available?
A. Test preparation guides may be available through public libraries, public employee unions and private publishers. The New York State Civil Service Commission does not recommend any commercially available test guides for civil service exams.  However, if the New York State Department of Civil Service has made a test guide available, that information will appear on the examination announcement.

Q. What are "special arrangements"?
A. "Special arrangements" refer to requests for examination assistance with regard to scheduling or specialized testing needs. Candidates who meet the criteria should provide the appropriate documentation with the exam application. If the candidate requires special arrangements. a written request should be attached to your application describing the type of special arrangements required. Documentation verifying the nature and condition requiring the special arrangements should be attached to your application. Those candidates who apply online and require specialized assistance should separately send the Department of Human Resources the appropriate documentation by mail detailing the assistance needed. Candidates who are observers of the Saturday Sabbath must file the required form signed by their religious advisor.

Q. What is an "Alternate Test Date"?
A. The Department of Human Resources periodically receives requests to reschedule candidates for civil service examinations under exceptional circumstances because individuals are unable to participate in the exams on their scheduled dates. Upon presentation of appropriate documentation, the Department of Human Resources may grant an alternate test date. The granting of alternate test date is at the discretion of the Department of Human Resources. Examples such as the following may be considered as reasons for granting an alternate test date: 

  • Death in the family or household or attendance at funeral or memorial service.
  • Medical illness or emergencies involving the candidate or member(s) of the family.
  • Military orders.
  • Religious observance (Candidate must submit required form).
  • Wedding
  • Vacation for which a non-refundable down payment was made before the announcement was issued.
  • Required court appearances.


Candidates who have met the criteria may be eligible for one alternate test date. As soon as a candidate is aware of a conflict prior to the scheduled test date, the candidate should notify the Examinations Unit by e-mail at  or call at (914) 995-2388. The request should contain a complete explanation of the reason the candidate cannot take the test on the scheduled date and include appropriate supporting documentation. It is essential that the Examinations Unit receive these requests before the date of the written test. Requests received on the date of the written test or thereafter will not be considered, unless they involve unforeseen emergencies. A medical emergency or illness occurring on the date of the examination must be documented by a medical professional seen on the date of the examination.

For emergencies, such as illness or death in the family, which occur on the scheduled written test date, the candidate must notify the Examinations Unit no later than close of business the Monday following the test date. If the candidate is unable to contact us, a family or household member, may, on the candidate's behalf, notify the Examinations Unit of the need for an alternate test date.

After consideration, the Examination Administration Unit will notify the candidate as to whether or not the request is granted.

Q. When do I get my admission notice?
A. Admission notices are emailed/mailed to candidates ten calendar days prior to the test date. If you do not receive an admission notice by two days prior to the test date, you must call the Examinations Division at (914) 995-2117 for instructions. It is the candidate’s responsibility to call for these instructions prior to the test date.

We may contact you with exam related correspondence (i.e. Admission Notice, Notice of Exam Results, Request for Additional Information and Transcripts, Disqualification Notices etc.) through e-mail. Candidates are responsible for maintaining valid e-mail and responding to e-mail notifications regarding Westchester County Civil Service examinations.

Q. Are examinations ever cancelled?
A. Because the New York State Civil Service Commission schedules examinations on a statewide basis, it is very rare for one to be cancelled for any reason. However, if you are scheduled to take either a written or physical agility examination and inclement weather is forecasted, you may check with the Examinations Division at (914) 995-7562 after 7 p.m. on the day before the test administration. Cancellation notices are broadcast on radio stations WFAS 103.9 FM, WFAS 1230 AM, WHUD 100.7 FM, WVOX 1460 AM, WSPK 104.7 FM and WXPK 107.1 FM, and if possible, will be published to the Department of Human Resources landing page.