Q. How can I review my test?
A. Some exam questions are open to review on the Saturday after the test is held. This is called "pre-review" and you must request this review at the test site when you finish your examination. You will be able to see the questions and the tentative answers, but not your answer sheet. This is the forum in which to challenge what you may consider to be an inappropriate question and/or answer.
After you receive your score, you may request a computational review, in which you will be able to review a copy of your answer sheet and the final answer key, but not the test questions. Directions for requesting a computational review are included with the grade notification.
Q. How long does it take to establish a list after I take an test?
A. The New York State Civil Service Commission scores examinations. Eligible lists are established, on average, four to six months after the examination date.
Q: I have received my exam score; what happens next? How is the eligible list used?
A: Canvassing and selection of eligibles for appointment are conducted by the appointing authority in accordance with the rules, regulations, and provisions of New York State Civil Service Law and Westchester County Civil Service Rules. Agencies request the eligible list and send out canvass letters to a sufficient number of high-scoring eligibles to fill their positions. A canvass letter is an inquiry into your interest in the job, its location, hours, and your availability. Canvass letters are not job offers.
If you receive a canvass letter, do not leave your current employment. Do return the canvass reply form to the agency by the return date. If you return the canvass reply form after the return date, the agency is not required to consider you for that job. However, your name will remain active for future canvasses. While the law does not require agencies to canvass or conduct interviews, they typically do. Agencies are required to hire from the eligible list according to the "rule of three."
If you fail to respond to any canvass letter or fail to appear for an interview, you will be recorded in our records as a “No Response,” and your name will not be forwarded on any future certifications from this list. If this occurs, you may send a written request to the Westchester County Department of Human Resources at to recertify your name to the eligible list.
You may also contact the Department of Human Resources to re-certify your name on the active eligible lists for agencies, locations, or types of positions you have declined.
Q: What is the Rule of Three?
A: Civil Service law requires that appointments from promotion and open competitive eligible lists to positions in the competitive class shall be made from among one of the top three persons, willing to accept appointment, standing highest on the list or anyone tied with number three. This is known as the “Rule of Three”.
Count down 3 Names from the top of the list. Everyone ranked above or tied in score with the Third candidate is reachable and can be considered for appointment.
Example 1
Julia |
100 Reachable |
Nelson |
95 Reachable |
Linda |
90 Reachable |
Horace |
85 |
Kwah |
85 |
Carey |
80 |
In this case you must choose from among Julia, Nelson, and Linda. This is because Civil Service law requires you to choose from among the 3 highest ranking candidates.
Example 2
Paula |
90 Reachable |
Karen |
90 Reachable |
Jim |
90 Reachable |
Taylor |
85 |
Pat |
85 |
Doug |
80 |
In this example, you must choose from among the candidates who received a score of 90. This is because there are three candidates with a score of 90 and Civil Service law requires you to choose from among the 3 highest ranking candidates.
Example 3
Pedro |
90 Reachable |
Will |
90 Reachable |
Lori |
85 Reachable |
Marie |
85 Reachable |
Dan |
85 Reachable |
Jill |
85 Reachable |
Tammy |
80 |
In this example, you may choose from among the top 6 candidates. This is because there are two candidates with a score of 90 and four who are tied with a score of 85. According to Civil Service law, in addition to the three highest ranking candidates, you are allowed to choose from candidates who are TIED in score with the third highest RANKING candidate.
Q: How long can an eligible list be used for?
A: The duration of all eligible lists shall be fixed by the Commissioner of Human Resources, shall not be less than one (1) nor more than four (4) years. For Continuous Recruitment examinations, the candidate’s eligibility on the eligible list is one (1) year.
A new examination in the title may be requested and held at any time during the life of an existing eligible list. It is the responsibility of the candidate on the existing list to stay informed about of the examination schedule and to apply for and participate in the new examination.
Q:What is a probationary appointment?
A:The probationary period is a time during which new employees must demonstrate their ability to perform the job for which they were hired. Every permanent appointment, whether from an open competitive list or a promotion list, is subject to a probationary term lasting no less than twelve (12) weeks and no more than fifty-two (52) weeks.