Posted and filing deadline dates.

Posted: February 18, 2025
Filing Deadline: March 03, 2025

Control No.



Superintendent of Road Maintenance

Job Group




If you apply for this job opening, your application (XD10 Form) must be submitted to the following location by the Filing Deadline: March 03, 2025 :

Mailing Location

Anthony Finateri
Department of Public Works and Transportation
148 Martine Avenue, Suite 507
White Plains, NY 10601
(914) 995-2543
Located in the Department of Public Works and Transportation – White Plains: Under general supervision, an incumbent is responsible for directing the Road Maintenance Division of the Department of Public Works and Transportation. This division is responsible for the maintenance and repair of county roads including snow removal, drainage, traffic signage and pavement markings for 175 miles of roads and 156 bridges and ensuring compliance with highway laws and maintaining an acceptable level of service for the public. The incumbent uses considerable independent judgment in interpreting New York State Department of Transportation laws and County policies in executing program activities. Work entails considerable coordination with private contractors and municipal officials. Supervision is exercised over a large number of maintenance and laboring personnel. Does related work as required.
Either (a) a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering or a closely related field and six years of experience where the primary function of the job was in road/traffic design, construction, or maintenance, including two years of experience in road maintenance supervision; or (b) an Associate’s Degree in Engineering or Engineering technology and eight years experience as described in (a), including two years of the specialized experience; or (c) ten years of experience as described in (a), including two years of the specialized experience.
(1) The number of years of experience required in the minimum qualifications is based upon the presumption of full-time employment. Part-time experience will be prorated based on a 35 hour workweek. (2) Verified and documented volunteer (unpaid) experience will only be credited when specifically allowed by the job description or examination announcement.
Special Notes
Education beyond the secondary level must have been awarded by a college or university accredited by a regional, national, or specialized agency recognized as an accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education/U.S. Secretary of Education.
Filing an application for a posting does not substitute or relieve you of the requirement to file appropriate application and fee when the civil service exam may be announced.
Salary: $119,090 - $153,210
Submit: Application (XD-10) and resume
Include the control number of this job posting on your application (XD-10). An application fee is not required at this time. Please submit an application (XD-10) and resume.